Community Workshops

Young Animators Club are creating animated films with Community groups across Folkestone Hythe & Romney Marsh in 2019 for Operation Wildflower. Our participants' films will be used to help educate their communities about the importance of our native Wildflowers and to forge relationships between groups, schools, environmental projects and volunteers. 

This workshop was sponsored by Grow Wild, a Kew Gardens project.

The Shed: Build a Bug House

Today Young Animators Club transformed The Shed workshop into an animation studio. The students created a stop motion instructional animation, demonstrating how to build their wonderful Bug Houses.

Making the Bug House film


The Shed, based in Hythe High Street, is a project to help develop new skills and provide opportunities for people with learning difficulties/disabilities.

The Shed Workshop

The students at the Shed regularly build and create objects from reclaimed and recycled materials, their workshop/shop is bursting with beautiful furniture, objects and artwork. It was certainly a very photogenic environment for the Animation workshop.

Stop Motion Set-up

We captured the animation with a Canon DSRL, using Dragonframe animation software on a Macbook Pro with a wireless keypad. The laptop image was projected onto a wall of the studio so that the whole group could see the live camera feed and preview the film. 

What now?

The students at the Shed will be making Bug Houses and installing them at local Primary Schools. The film will be published online and will be used as part of the Operation Wildflower information pack to be distributed to all the Schools in the district.

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